Sweet treats

Sweet treats

Whether you are looking to end a meal with a bang or throw a full blown dessert party, these tasty bites will have your guests asking for more. Most dessert options can be either bite size treats or larger plates to end a meal. Reach out for pricing details.

chocolate moussaline - mascarpone cream - candied citron

roasted banana cake - hazelnut buttercream - salted date caramel

pine nut toffee tart - orange scented cream - rosemary

pavlova - pistachio custard - roasted apricots

spiced ginger cake- cardamom cream - maple syrup

basque cheesecake - persimmons - chestnut honey - five spice crumble

pear cream tart - vanilla smoked pears - toasted cinnamon caramel popcorn

confections platter - peppermint fondants - cherry pistachio chocolates - orange crescents - coconut macaroons - pomegranate meringue